Sunday, May 31, 2009

Of Wars and Reflections

Today a visited a very interesting place. It is a mountain here in Stuttgart called Birkenkopf, or Mounte Scherbelino. "Monte Scherbelino" roughly translates as "Mountain of Shards". Here's where that nickname comes from:

This is part of a pile of rubble that is pretty much what was left of Stuttgart after 53 separate bombing missions came through in World War II.

There was so much of this rubble that the mountain is now approximately 40 meters (~120 feet) taller than it was in 1945.

To me that is unreal. Here are a few more pictures, then I will get to making my point.

This sign roughly translates into what I said about adding onto the mountain and where the rubble came from.

Here is the sign that gave me pause and made me think a little. It translates as: "This mountain was built after the Second World War from the rubble of the town to stand as a memorial of the dead and a warning to the living."

I just wonder. What would the people of 1940's Germany really think about what we call a "war" these days?
Because I think we have heeded their warning well.
Today's military strikes and raids are precision events. Death is bought in retail quantities, not wholesale. There is no more bombing an entire city to get the factories there. Civilian causulties are avoided at all costs, sometimes even to the detriment of the mission. The term "collateral damage" gives commanders at all levels cold sweats and shaky hands. We hear on the news that 2 or 3 civilians wandered into a firefight and got killed and we think "That's horrible" and it is. But it is not destroying 55% of a city to get at targets that make up less than 5% of the city.
We treat the civilians and non-military targets in our "War on Terror" with the respect they deserve.
And you know what? I think it makes a mountain of a difference.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yeah...what she said.

Letter to a newspaper from a soldier in Afganistan. Link

I don't think I have ever heard it put better. Next time you hear someone on the news talking about the "Sacrifice of American Sons & Daughters", remember this letter.

And also remember that the last sacrifice the journalist on the news made was probably having to park on the open top floor of a parking garage on a rainy day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

When in Naples.....

Just a few tips for the tourist in Naples:

1: Don't be one. Naples is a pass-through city. That is how it views itself. If you are going to Capri, Sedona, Sorrento, etc. and there is a cheap flight to Napoli, take it. Get on the AliBus (runs every 20 mins from 0630 to 2230) from the Aeroporti to the Porto. Get off the bus, take a right at Castel Nuovo and hit a ferry. Ignore the street sellers, there is no way you are getting a genuine Dolce & Gabana clutch for 5 Euro.

2. If your destination is Napoli for whatever reason, get a hotel near Castel Nuovo. You can hop Alibus from the Aeroporti and be right there. Plus you are right on the water, with all the shopping, nightlife and tourista atraciones you can handle.

3. If you are here for shopping see #2. Hotel MH Design. This place is right in the middle of it all. Galleria Umberto is 2 blocks away, as are the Armani, Versace, and many other stores.

4. If you are in a crowd, keep moving. Plan your routes before you even get off the bus or out of the taxi. Hesitation is weakness and the buskers, pickpockets, frauds, and thiefs are looking for this.

5. Visit Teatro di San Carlo. If you have followed this tips thus far you are in the neighborhood anyway. It is worth it.

6. This is a very capitalisitc city. If they can fleece you, they will. Check the sign in the airport for the closest "flat fare" destination if you are going to take a taxi. Check your ristorante reciepts, they probably already have a "service fee" added in. If you are buying from someone not in a retail store, do not accept their first price. (Corollary: If you ARE in a retail store, do not attempt to haggle. This is an insult and they WILL ask you to leave.)

7. Have fun with it. This is the most insane place I have ever seen in my life. But most of the sidewalks are older than America, and the city has grown into its schizophrenia. Be on your guard. Learn rudimentary Italiano. Have an espresso. And remember, there is no such thing as a 20 Euro Rolex.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Whole lotta shakin goin on

Wow, Italy is so interesting.

When they are not protesting Capitalism, they are having earthquakes.

It was all a bit north of where I am. So all I got was a slight shaking of the hotel, just barely enough to wake me up, and then a call from the front desk asking if I was ok. Nice to know they care. They don't care enough to fix the internet access that they advertised and promised, but take what you can get right?

I don't know what is like in L'Aquila, but if it is anything like here, those rescue workers are going to need all the kind thoughts they can get.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Still in Italy

Glad I decided not to go to Rome this weekend. Seems there was a bit of a protest up that way. I am going to try to go next weekend even though it is Easter and will be freakin packed.

Went downtown for a little while last night. Pretty cool, if a bit on the trashy side. I guess the trash pickup people are a bit over worked in this city, and most people here don't seem to have gotten the "Litter trashes everyone" message.

Where is Iron-Eyes when you need him.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The food....Dear God....The Food



so, I will never again be able to eat at an "Italian" restaurant in the States again. Not unless the owner and or chef can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are from here and cook traditionally.

You would not believe how good it is. It is a little expensive due to the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, but even then not that bad.

Appetizer - Procuitto with Buffalo Motzarella - 3.50 Euro
Main - Pizza with Artichoke hearts, Olives, Procuitto, and mushrooms - 7.00 Euro

So around $17 for the meal...after conversion and service charge. Not too bad. Especially when you consider that for this quality of a meal back home it would have been that much for the pizza alone.

Monday, March 30, 2009

1st Meal in Italy

Coccianere al Milanese

I apologise in advance to all those who will have to see me when I get back to the States. If this meal is any indication of the next three weeks, I will be somewhere near the 350 mark.

Naples Post 1

So I finally made it here. Not too bad.

I actually like the chaos that is the street outside my hotel. These freakers are crazy!!!! Lanes are a mere suggestion, not a given. And the crosswalks give new meaning to the quick and the dead.

Other than a little confusion over which hotel I will be in for the duration, and the fact that the one I am in now does not have Internet access, I am ok.

I will post as I can with pictures and what not. I hope to be able to do some of the "touristy" stuff like going to Vesuvius and Rome. Any hoo....

Out for now. Be back when I can get back

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wheels up

I have finally gotten my passport. (More on that later.)

The plan now is to go back home for a day to square a few items away, then it is go time. I will be flying out on Sunday.

On a side note, if there is anyone from SC who wishes to see me and is actually reading this thing, I will be home briefly this weekend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Real Virus Alert

Conficker C

This is not a drill.

This thing is real and it is scary. If you haven't updated your Anti-Virus or System Protection software packages lately, now is the time.

This thing will prevent you from running Windows Updates, booting into Safe Mode, disables almost every single security package out there.

Read the technical aspects here.
Report from the star-studded Northeast Blogshoot/meet via Ambulance Driver. Go there. Laugh. Feel the envy I feel that you were not cool enough to be there.

I accepted Jay's dare to shoot a cylinder of full-house .357 rounds out
of his airweight Snubbie From Hell. After shooting it, I can only say that
your tactics while using such a weapon should run something along the lines
of, "Back off, asshole, or I'll make you shoot this sumbitch."


What with the new job, and living from a hotel for the past month, and all of the passport issues, and the mild insanity that is Government Contracting, I have really neglected this thing haven't I?

My bad.

Posting will resume.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Sorry about that. I really really really meant to post. But it has been a busy week.

First, I did get the job in Germany. I will be leaving on Mar 7th. If you know where the house is, there will be a "Kiss my butt Goodbye" party on the 28th of Feb. If you don't know where the house is, that means you are not invited. Unless I have known you for more than a year.....then call me for directions.

In other news, I am once again stuck out of town for my current job. Only this time Significant other is stuck out of town with her job too. That means MIL is watching the kids. I am so glad that this is SO's last run.

Oh well, there is an update. More to follow.

Friday, January 30, 2009

In other news

I am busy as, well, as busy as a programmer with 3 projects due by the end of next week. I promise to give an update on life, the universe, and everything either tonight or tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Got Nothin


Now Class, who Brings a Knife to a Gun Fight?

That's right....the Loser

Monday, January 26, 2009

One step closer to the brink

The Government has my papers, I have my offer. All I need now is permission to proceed.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I got nothin

Here. You read it.

In other news

Go take this quiz on common sense gun-control laws.

You may just learn something.

Why are they even talking?

Here is why you don't try the "appeasement" route with terror organizations and countries that back terrorism.

Short version: "Closing Gitmo not enough, close ALL of your detainment facilities and pay us for our time"

umm...yeah....not so much

And why are Afgani and Pakistani "Human Rights" organizations and former terror suspects even allowed to weigh in on this? That is like asking a man on death row how the death penalty should be applied. Why don't we ask people from Mumbai, or survivors of the USS Cole and 9/11 attacks if all, some, or any of our detention facilities should be closed. Or try this question:

"Mr. or Ms. Fire/Police/EMS/New Yorker/American, if depriving a suspected terrorist of sleep for 2 days and not letting him read his Qu'ran for a week or so would have yielded information that may have prevented the attacks on the WTC, would you be in favor of this treatment?"

If the answer is in the negative, I would question whether or not the person being asked met the criteria implicit in the addressing of the question.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In Other News

Day two of the Obama administration. Is this when I get to quit work, go fishing for the rest of my days and my mortage gets paid off and I get a new truck?

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm Fair, I'm Balanced

As long as I stay on my meds, anyway.

Never let it be said that I don't present both sides of the issues.

Here is a video from a gun control group:

I agree completely.

A Step in the Right direction

They never should have gone to trial anyway.

I like how the NYT(*spit*) doesn't mention that "defendant" assaulted the agents, were in the country illegally, they mention the van full of marijuana, but don't mention that it was the defendant's van.

Agents Compean and Ramos did their job in defending our borders and were arrested and convicted of it.

Don't think you will see that on a Border Patrol recruiting poster.

Anyway, Good Job, Presidente Jorge, didn't think ya had it in ya.

In other news

I have a mind like a steel trap.

It doesn't work very well, it is illegal in some states, and people have signed petitions against it.

Who came up with these "regions"?

I guess no one in the South will ever have need of an emergency passport. According to the State dept. anyway.

The closest "regional" passport issuing agency is in either New Orleans, Miami or D.C. I mean, seriously, the Atlanta airport is consistently either number 1 or 2 on the list of busiest airports in the country.

In other news, it is looking better and better everyday on the "event". I am trying now to put things into motion that will make it easier on everyone if/when it goes through. Keep all cross-able appendages so crossed.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Update on the Undisclosed

I got the excellent news yesterday that I am one step closer to being able to talk about what could be an exciting change.

Hopefully more by the end of the week.

Freedom ends not with a gun shot,

But with the sound of a Gavel

Supreme Court of What Used to be America has said that some illegal searches and seizures are not so illegal after all.

h/t to Uncle

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The people at Pepto have gone too far

Class 3 beverage alert. Management not responsible for damage to keyboards, screens, or other electronic devices.

H/t to Tam

Monday, January 12, 2009

I am a Carbon MACHINE

Your footprint is 33.92 tonnes per year
The average footprint for people in United States is 20.40 tonnes
The average for the industrial nations is about 11 tonnes
The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 4 tonnes
The worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 tonnes
That is awesome!!! I am finally above average. Thank you Al Gore.
Go here to calculate your footprint.

My son, the monkey boy

So Aaron, the elder of my two ankle biters, has learned a new trick. It's called, "Let's see how strong the old man's ticker is".

Saturday, as I was finishing feeding his little brother, I heard Aaron wake up from his afternoon nap. No problem. Put Johna-brat in the swing, get a sippy cup of juice ready, grab a butt-cover and some wipes, head in there and retrieve him. Standard.

However, today Aaron decides that Standard just ain't quick enough.

He takes it upon himself to climb the rail of his crib and gracefully lower himself to the floor for playtime.

Ain't much grace in an 18-month old.


Let the Tachycardia begin.

I tear through the house, thanking my stars that it is a small house, and burst through the door of the nursery.

Only to see him standing there, shaken but unharmed, screaming his head off, looking at the crib like it was to blame for his current predicament.

No blood, nothing broken, not even a bruise. After about 2 minutes of Daddy shushing and cooing, he is his normal bumblebee self, ready to move on.

I did notice however that this morning when I went in to get him up and ready to head for the sitters that he did not want anything to do with rails on his crib. Instead he was standing in the middle, arms outstretched as if to say, "Daddy, I think you should handle the extraction this time, I seem to have flubbed it rather badly on my last attempt."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Cigar: XiCar Defiance
Drink: Generic Gas Station Coffee

Smoked one of these while on my way to a customer site this morning. (Yes, I am blogging from that site, waiting on a tech to pull a wire) I have been holding comment on these cigars until I had a few under my belt, and I have to say not too bad. Nice spice on the tongue, to the point where you don't want to be drinking a carbonated beverage while smoking one. Trust me. It gets a little unpleasant. Very pronounced flavor to go along with it. If your tobacconist has these, go ahead and pick up a box. The free cutter is just icing on the cake.

About the coffee: blech

Monday, January 5, 2009

In other news

I will be updating this blog on a more regular basis. There is a lot going on right now that I am hesitant to discuss in open format at this time. Hopefully I will be able to update my reader(I know, I am being over optimistic in assume that anyone reads this) on a major change in my life soon.

Come meet the New boss

To steal a format and line from Glenn (hope ya don't mind):

They told me if I voted for McCain that the e-e-e-e-ebil tax breaks for e-e-e-e-e-bil corporations would get bigger.